6 Ways to Make and Keep A Successful Budget!

6 Ways to Make and Keep A Successful Budget! By: Life Institute Rev. Drew Gysi & Tyler Rutherford Christian education is one of the most important investments we can make into our children’s future. With all the financial stressors of life, we need a plan for how to keep investing in their future. Budgeting is a way to achieve your goals while also feeling financially free. "Budgeting is telling your money where to go rather than wondering where it went" Author, speaker and Pastor, John Maxwell Budgeting can feel restrictive and limiting. But really, it leads to financial freedom and greater generosity today and tomorrow! Here are 6 budgeting tips to help you make and keep a successful budget. MAKING YOUR BUDGET 1. Set your goals You can’t achieve a goal if you don’t have one! Take some time, brainstorm what you want to save for, and prioritize. It could be paying for your kids to go to a Christ...