Is Christian Education the Right Choice for Your Family?

By Gail Hallman Dean of Academics It is the time of year when decisions need to be made regarding where our children will attend school next year. For some, this decision is easy. For others, it is the cause of many sleepless nights. We have so much to consider in this decision; academics, athletics, fine arts, extra-curricular opportunities, and friendships to name only a few. However, sometimes I fear we miss one of the most important questions – “Is my child being prepared spiritually and is their character being strengthened to face all that life brings to them beyond high school?” Sometimes the most important needs our children have are easily overlooked. As parents, it is our responsibility to guide our children and make decisions that watch out for their best interest. One of the greatest challenges in this as a parent is not letting our heart strings get pulled into the emotion of what our children are...